child support lawyer

Hiring A Child Support Lawyer: Making The Right Choice In 2024

A child support lawyer is one of your most important allies during a divorce and your liaison to the court. They will assist you in ensuring that a fair and equitable child support agreement is reached between parents after the divorce.

Many factors go into determining a child support agreement, including the amount of time the child or children will spend in each home, income and other financial resources, debt, and lifestyle. A child support lawyer is the best person to help you sort through all of the legalities involved in family court, and will also give you great peace of mind knowing that you and your child’s best interest is being protected.

Understanding all this, you can see why hiring the best child support lawyer is essential. We are here to tell you some of the most important qualities to look for when hiring a child support lawyer so you can make the best choice in 2024.

Most Important Factors To Consider When Hiring A Child Support Lawyer

Divorce in Tennessee involves a wide range of legal, emotional, and practical considerations, including child support and child custody. There are many factors to consider when hiring a child support lawyer. The following are some of the most essential qualities and skills to look for in an attorney.

#1. Experience In Child Support, Child Custody and Divorce

Ensuring that your lawyer has a high level of experience with similar cases is crucial as they need to know how the system works, including how to negotiate and build a strong case. Child support lawyers who work on similar cases have the experience to help navigate the complex legal and emotional issues during child custody and support cases.

When you are looking for an attorney, ensure they have the necessary skills and experience to help ensure that your children’s and your own best interests are adequately protected.

#2. Have Excellent Communication Skills

Your lawyer must have excellent communication skills to adequately and respectfully present your case to the court and always keep you updated on what is happening. The lawyer you choose to represent you in your child support case will be the person you speak with the most during the case, so it is of the utmost importance that they have excellent communication and listening skills.

An experienced attorney will listen effectively and ensure you feel comfortable talking openly with them. Should your case go to court, your attorney will need to present your case clearly and effectively and avoid creating conflict with the court.

#3. Ask For Referrals 

There are various ways to get referrals. You can ask the lawyer to share reviews or referrals with you. If the lawyer is confident and has a good track record, they won’t hesitate to give you feedback from their best clientele.

You can also ask the clerk at your local court office for recommendations for an experienced child support attorney. Other resources include friends, family, or business associates who may have needed to hire a child support lawyer.

You can ask for recommendations from the state bar association or another local attorney. Finally, you can also utilize the internet, do a Google search, and read local reviews on various child support lawyers in your area.

#4. Ask Potential Child Support Lawyers Questions 

Interview potential attorneys and ask questions. Choose an attorney who is helpful and respectful and whose personality and communication style match yours. 

If a lawyer seems impatient when you ask questions, it is a sign that they may not be the best fit. You must talk with your lawyer and ask questions. It is crucial to have someone who understands your circumstances and knows how to listen and be compassionate.

#5. Extensive Knowledge of Jurisdiction Laws

Every region has its jurisdiction laws, and if you live in Tennessee, you’re a lawyer who needs to know the laws of your state. This is one of the reasons it’s best to pick a local child support attorney, as they will know the laws in that region best and give you excellent advice when you need it.

Having an experienced attorney knowledgeable about local laws and regulations, child support, and child custody cases can give you a significant advantage and the opportunity to have the best outcome for your case.

#6. Hire A Lawyer Who Specializes In Child Support Cases

Not all lawyers practice family law. You are not required to hire a lawyer in a custody battle or filing for child support. However, it is highly recommended that you hire a lawyer with extensive knowledge of family law who specializes in cases like yours. This will improve your chances of having a favorable outcome for your case.

#7. Hire A Lawyer Within Your Budget

A child support case and a lawyer can be costly, so understand the cost and check for hidden fees before choosing a lawyer. Check your financial resources and only hire someone who is within your budget. Many great lawyers charge reasonable prices. Remember that child support battles can go on for an extended time, so you should not spend all your money on a lawyer you can’t afford.

Hire Attorney Hunter Fowler For Legal Representation For Your Child Support And Child Custody Case

Divorce in Tennessee can be very time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally and mentally draining. If you are going through a child custody or child support case, hiring an attorney with extensive experience to provide legal solutions is crucial.

Attorney Hunter Fowler is a Murfreesboro Attorney who is experienced in handling every detail of family law and criminal defense cases, including child custody and child support, divorce, modifying parenting, plans, and other family matters.

Contact us today for a consultation and sleep better knowing you have someone on your side you can trust!