stress-free divorce making divorce easier

Making Divorce Easier: How to Have a Smooth and Stress-Free Divorce

When a couple enters a marriage, they expect to happily ever after. However, that’s not the case for many couples, and their marriage ends in divorce. While separation and divorce can be emotionally challenging, there are ways to have a healthy breakup.

Reducing stress during a divorce is essential, regardless of whether children are involved. This article will provide seven tips for a stress-free divorce.

7 Tips for a Smooth and Stress-Free Divorce

1. Forgive Your Spouse and Move On

Forgiveness may not be something that you feel is possible right now. However, it’s precisely what you need to help have a stress-free divorce. If you were served divorce papers, likely, your spouse has already moved on, and while it isn’t fair that they kept their feelings from you, you can’t change things.

Mutual collaboration is vital in a smooth divorce. Being angry and resentful can significantly affect the process and the length of time it takes for the divorce to be final.

2. Be Willing to Work With Your Spouse

Television and movies love to make divorce a big dramatic production in the courtroom. However, in reality, litigation isn’t even always necessary. If you and your spouse can work together (an uncontested divorce), you can negotiate the terms of your divorce in mediation or by meeting with your spouse and their attorney, and there is no need for litigation.

3. Manage Your Time Properly

When time is gone, it’s gone, and some divorces can take a significant amount of time if both parties aren’t using their time wisely. Here are a couple of ways you can ensure that you are managing your time correctly:

  • Respond promptly when you receive communications or requests from your attorney. Send all of the items they request quickly, show up on time for all scheduled meetings, and don’t procrastinate.
  • Choose your battles with your spouse. If they have a reasonable request, it may be better for you just to let them have what they’re asking for.

4. Keep Your Children in Mind

If children are involved, consider their future and well-being before you do anything. Child custody can be one of the most challenging parts of a divorce for both the children and the parents. Putting aside your pride can help you focus on what’s important for your children and make the decision in their best interest.

5. Gather and Organize Required Documents

Gather all documents related to your marriage, assets, and finances and keep them secure to ensure you have them ready when needed. Here are some of the documents you will want to gather.

  • Income Documentation
    • Pay stubs for both you and your spouse for the past year for all sources of employment, or, if you are self-employed, tax returns and any forms related to self-reported income.
    • Documents showing business expenses if either spouse is self-employed. This can include bank statements, check registers, canceled checks, and financial statements.
    • Copies of your tax returns (state and federal) for the past three to five years
  • Real Estate Documentation
    • Documentation with the legal description of all real estate owned jointly or separately
    • Current mortgage statement(s)
    • Documentation showing the initial purchase of the property
  • Financial Documentation
    • Three to five years worth of bank statements for all accounts in your name or held jointly with your spouse
    • Statements from investment accounts
    • Statements from all retirement accounts, including retirement funds, pension funds, 401(k), IRAs, or mutual funds
    • An itemized list of all outstanding debt, including credit cards, loans, medical bills, and any other debts in your or your spouse’s name
    • Statements regarding life insurance policies for you, your spouse, and children (personal or through your employer) – should include any cash balance or loans taken against the policies.
  • Automobile Documentation
    • Registrations or titles for all vehicles owned by you or your spouse, including automobiles, ATVs, boats, snowmobiles, farm equipment, and other vehicles
    • Documents showing the current outstanding secured debt for the vehicles
  • Other Items to Consider
    • Collectibles
    • Intellectual property
    • Jewelry
    • Co-owned businesses
    • Children’s assets (bank accounts, educational savings accounts)
    • Digital Assets
    • Loyalty programs/Frequent flyer miles
    • Memberships

6. Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself emotionally and physically is essential. Take part in activities that make you happy, such as meditating, exercising, or having hobbies.

Leaning on your support system is another way to take care of yourself. Reach out to family and friends or find a support group to comfort you during this challenging time. 

7. Choose a Divorce Attorney You Can Trust

Hiring a divorce attorney you can trust is essential. When you don’t trust your divorce attorney, you may withhold information which could hurt your case. Even if it’s embarrassing, your attorney can put a positive spin on it, but only if they know about it.

Scheduling a consultation with the divorce attorney will allow you to determine if you feel comfortable confiding in them. If you don’t keep looking, the success of your case depends on your honesty and your attorney’s ability to maintain confidentiality.

Turn to Attorney Hunter Fowler for the Best Legal Counsel Possible During Your Divorce

Divorce can be challenging, but incorporating these tips allows you to have a smoother, stress-free divorce. It’s essential to keep your eyes on the future and understand that although you’re going through a difficult time now, your divorce is simply a stepping stone to a new beginning.

Attorney Hunter Fowler understands that divorce can make it seem like your world is falling apart. It can be confusing and make you feel vulnerable, so you need the best legal counsel possible. Hunter has provided legal services to clients in your exact situation and will work with you through every step of the divorce procedure to ensure the best outcome for you and your family.

Contact us today for a consultation.