DIY your divorce

Why You Shouldn’t DIY Your Divorce

Divorce brings with it many obstacles, and that’s before you even have to start thinking about finances. While the temptation to save money and represent yourself at your divorce hearings might be strong, there are a myriad of issues that could go wrong, and without professional legal expertise on your side, you are leaving yourself open to all of them. 

Taking into account the incredible amount of misinformation present online, as well as how hard it is to understand all the legalese you will need to know going into divorce court, it is best to let a divorce attorney do what they are best at: representing you and making sure you are informed and advocating for your interests in the courtroom.

Today, we’ll cover some of the most important reasons you shouldn’t DIY your divorce and explain how doing so could end up costing you far more in the long run.

The Hidden Costs of DIY Divorce

Lack of Expert Advice and Help

Getting advice from a knowledgeable legal source is vital to making sure you understand the rules and what is customary when it comes to divorce proceedings. Not all cases are the same — some situations need extra time and management, in case there is property to disperse, children and custody to think about, and residency requirements to handle. Unless you have an ironclad understanding of the divorce laws in your state, you could make costly mistakes that could have repercussions that end up plaguing you for years. 

Going with an experienced divorce attorney allows you to ask questions, be heard and takes excess stress off of your plate. You will be provided with a better understanding of what you can expect in the settlement (or trial) and what kind of child support or custody agreement you will be looking at. Overall, your divorce lawyer will make sure your basic rights are being met and your interests are served during any mediation hearings, negotiations, and in the courtroom.  Having an experienced attorney on your side means you have a guide when you need it most through this difficult process.

Child Custody and Support Issues

When you DIY your divorce and children are involved, you are taking a considerable gamble when it comes to custody and support. It is often difficult to keep children—and even pets, like dogs—completely removed from the often tense and stressful effects of divorce on the family.

You may have an amicable relationship with your ex-spouse, but emotions and opinions can still change during court proceedings. It’s best to have representation so that you are well-informed throughout the case and coached on how to handle the ups and downs of the process while taking steps to ensure you protect your children from the worst elements of the divorce.

Here are just a few of the common child support and custody issues brought up in court: 

  • Equitable time divided up between parents
  • Any childcare or daycare payments
  • Education of the child
  • Medical needs for the child
  • Who the child will live with
  • Where the parents will live
  • Custody and visitation
  • Child support

Not Filing Paperwork Correctly

Even filing your divorce papers is a complex task that must be done precisely in order to avoid extra fees, extra time added onto court appearances, misunderstandings that could cost you assets, and more. Consulting with a lawyer takes this process and puts it into the hands of a legal expert who has done it many times before. Do not expect county clerks or receptionists to help you, especially if you file incorrectly. In many states, they are legally unable to help you with any paperwork other than to take your payment and file it. 

Legal document assistance is an often overlooked benefit of having an experienced divorce attorney on your side.Having your paperwork denied by the court will only add stress to an already stressful situation. Hiring a divorce attorney gives you peace of mind from the start.

Bigger Financial Risks

Everyone knows divorces can be costly. If you decide to go it alone without legal representation, it is very likely that there will be financial discrepancies you overlook because you are trying to do too much at once. 

While you may think forgoing help from an attorney will save you money up front, you could overlook procedures or need to refile or redo paperwork, costing you more time and money  in the long run by making hasty decisions in order to finalize the divorce quickly. Hiring an attorney takes away the need to speed through the process and allows you to take the time you need to begin healing, understand the situation before you, and make sure you get your fair share of assets.

These are just some of the financial issues you will need to deal with during your divorce includes:

  • Shared debts
  • Bank accounts
  • Shared property
  • Investment portfolios
  • Retirement accounts
  • Spousal support or alimony

Get the Expert Legal Advice and Support You Deserve

Whether you are filing for divorce or have been served divorce papers, you may feel like your world has just come crashing down around you. It’s a very vulnerable and confusing place to be in, which is why you need the best legal counsel possible to navigate all the ins and outs of divorce law. 

Attorney Hunter Fowler has provided legal services to many individuals in your precise situation and will work with you through every detail of your divorce proceedings to ensure the final outcome is what you want for yourself and your family. 

Contact Murfreesboro Divorce Attorney Hunter Fowler today to get the legal counsel you deserve.