Divorce in COVID 19 lawyers talking about family law

Divorce and COVID-19: What to Know If You Need a Lawyer During the Pandemic

As a result of the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus, our society has been faced with what most would agree is a major crisis. Businesses and schools have been closed, non-essential workers may be adjusting to telecommuting, and most families are continuing to stay home in order to flatten the curve. This can put …

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Delayed Trial for Ethan Vanderpool | criminal defense law

Trial for Ethen Vanderpool Delayed

The trial for Ethen Vanderpool has been delayed until later this year so that the defense attorneys have adequate time to review the large amount of discovery in this case. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/wilson/2020/01/13/ethen-vanderpool-trial-accused-death-mt-juliet-student-delayed/2847589001/